1st DbI Regional Conference in Asia: Website Has Gone Online!

1st DbI Regional Conference in Asia: Website Has Gone Online!

The International Day of Deafblindness is for sure a day of hope.

We remember Helen Keller and her incredible story of overcoming multiple barriers. We also remember what suitable education can contribute to this – and thus the life’s work of Anne Sullivan.

In 2024, we have another reason to celebrate and hope. The website for the 1st DbI Regional Conference in Asia has been launched today. In a wonderful ceremony with many participating organisations in Nepal, with Sense International and Sense India and, particularly touching, with the students of the Resource Class in Kathmandu.

The doubly special day was honoured with a flower ritual and the cutting of a cake.

Sweet, beautiful, committed, courageous and hopeful – and guaranteed to be exactly what will characterise the 1st Regional DbI Conference in Asia, from 1-3 March 2025 in Pokhara, Nepal. You definitely don’t want to miss it!

Visit the website now!

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