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How Your Donation Helps

Any donation helps us making a difference for people with deafblindness worldwide. With your support we become more and more THE point of connection in deafblindness that we are proud to be and that is very much needed for all those challenged by deafblindness.

So any donation helps us to fulflill our mission and reach our vision.

You might also be interested in a specific donation: To support conferences or research.


DbI Conferences are essential for sharing and developing knowledge. The organization and the attendance of conferences can be a big financial challenge. If you choose so, your donation will support regional and world conferences and assist deafblind people and/or professionals from low income countries to attend them. Read  more about our conferences.


Deafblindness is an enormous challenge but a very small field of research. DbI is proud to support research with its Research Network. If you choose so, your donation will support further research in deafblindness. Read more about our Research Network.

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